Shareasale Program Agreement Example

Shareasale Program Agreement Example

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ShareASale is a popular affiliate marketing network that connects merchants with publishers, allowing them to earn commission on sales made through their unique referral links. To become a member of ShareASale, both parties must agree to the terms outlined in the ShareASale Program Agreement. In this article, we will discuss an example of a ShareASale Program Agreement and what you need to be aware of when entering into such an agreement.

The ShareASale Program Agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between the merchant and publisher. This agreement will provide the publisher with details regarding the commission structure, payment terms, and any specific rules or guidelines they must follow when promoting the merchant’s products or services.

Here is an example of some key points that may be included in a ShareASale Program Agreement:

1. Commission Structure: This section outlines the commission rates that will be paid to the publisher for sales made through their referral links. For example, the merchant may offer a 10% commission on all sales made through the publisher’s link.

2. Payment Terms: This section will detail when and how the publisher will be paid their commission. Usually, payments are made on a monthly basis, and there may be a minimum payout threshold that must be met before payment is released.

3. Prohibited Activities: This section outlines any activities that the publisher must avoid when promoting the merchant’s products. This may include spamming, falsely advertising the merchant’s products, or using unapproved marketing tactics.

4. Termination: This section will outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated by either party. For example, if the publisher breaches the terms of the agreement, the merchant may have the right to terminate the partnership.

5. Limitations of Liability: This section will detail any limitations of liability that either party may have in the event of a dispute or issue arising from the partnership.

It is important to remember that every ShareASale Program Agreement will be different and may include additional or different terms depending on the specific needs of the merchant and publisher. As a publisher, it is important to carefully read and understand the terms of the agreement before agreeing to them.

In conclusion, the ShareASale Program Agreement is an essential document for any merchant and publisher engaging in affiliate marketing. This agreement will provide both parties with a clear understanding of their responsibilities, commission rates, and any specific rules or guidelines that must be followed. By understanding the terms outlined in the agreement, both parties can work together to create a successful partnership and achieve their marketing goals.