Explain the Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

Explain the Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

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Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that determines the accuracy and clarity of a sentence. It refers to the agreement between the subject of the sentence and the verb in terms of number and person. In simple words, the verb must match the number and person of the subject. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. Here are some rules to help you understand subject-verb agreement better.

Rule #1: Singular subject requires a singular verb, and plural subjects require a plural verb.

Example: She walks/They walk

Explanation: The singular subject “She” requires a singular verb “walks” while the plural subject “They” needs a plural verb “walk.”

Rule #2: Compound subjects connected by “and” require a plural verb.

Example: Tom and Jerry are running.

Explanation: The compound subject “Tom and Jerry” requires a plural verb “are running.”

Rule #3: When the subject consists of two or more singular nouns or pronouns joined by “or,” “nor,” “either/or,” “neither/nor,” the verb should agree with the closest noun.

Example: Neither the boss nor his employees are ready.

Explanation: The verb agrees with the closest noun, which is “employees,” therefore, the verb is “are.”

Rule #4: Indefinite pronouns such as “someone,” “anyone,” “everyone,” “no one,” etc., are singular and require a singular verb.

Example: Everyone knows the answer.

Explanation: “Everyone” is a singular pronoun, so it requires a singular verb “knows.”

Rule #5: Collective nouns such as “team,” “committee,” “family,” etc., are singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence.

Example: The family is going on a vacation.

Explanation: The collective noun “family” is singular because it refers to a single unit.

Example: The committee are divided on the issue.

Explanation: The collective noun “committee” is plural because it refers to a group of individuals.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that contributes to the clarity and accuracy of a sentence. By following these rules, you can ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand. Always take the time to check your subject-verb agreement when writing to avoid any errors.